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About the Teacher

Welcome to the new school year! I wanted to write you an introduction to explain who I am and to touch on some concepts we will cover throughout the year. I am Krista Reutter, Monroe Middle School's newest 8th grade English teacher, and I am looking forward to working with you.


I graduated from SJSU with a B.A. in English before I returned to pursue a Single-Subject Teaching Credential. This means that I am qualified to instruct students from grades 6-12 in English. I have three years experience teaching, but this will be my first year in my own classroom. Exciting!


In English 8, we work hard to accomplish our reading, writing, and speaking goals. We keep ourselves on track and accountable for our quality of work. We play games and do activities. We learn new vocabulary and challege our values. We learn about ourselves and others. 


I have several projects planned that encourage students to involve their friends, parents, and extended family in their learning because studies have shown that students who proactively engage themselves and practice their skills progess much faster.


We have units and assessments predetermined by the district: Narrative, Informative, and Argumentation. There will be multiple opportunities for students to learn and show their learning for each unit. More information about this to come. 


In case you would like to know my background, I grew up in East San Jose. I have some family that live here in California, although most do not. I am a Dever Broncos fan and I have a huge sweet tooth. I like to read in my spare time, but that doesn't stop me from playing trivia or Pokemon Go with friends and family. I'm looking forward to meeting my new 8th grade students.



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